
How to Get a Police Report After a Car Accident in Elgin

Car accidents are hectic enough without having to worry about paperwork. However, one of the most important pieces of paperwork in a car accident case is the police report. This report might contain important details, information, and evidence uncovered by the authorities in their investigation of the crash. Even if the information is minimal, the report may be useful in other ways.

Getting a copy of a police report is not always easy. We must determine which police department investigated your accident and is responsible for the report. We must also determine whether we can obtain the report online, in person, or through the mail. Remember, a police report might only be available if you called the police after the crash. Many people do this at the crash scene, but it is not always required. If you are unsure of whether you need the police for your accident, call them anyway. Having the report can help you in more ways than one.

Call our Elgin, IL car accident attorneys at the Rhatigan Law Offices at (312) 578-8502 and ask our legal team for a private case review for no charge to get your case started.

Obtaining a Copy of the Police Report After a Vehicle Crash in Elgin

Our first step in obtaining a copy of the police report for your car accident is to determine which police department has the report. This might be easy to determine for some but difficult for others. For example, if you called the police yourself and spoke to them when they arrived at the scene, you likely already know which police department to contact about the report. However, if you could not call the police because you were rushed away for immediate medical attention, you might have never spoken to the police.

We need to consider whether local or state authorities responded to the accident to determine where your report is. If your accident happened within the city limits of Elgin or nearby streets, there is a strong chance that the Elgin Police Department has your report. Crash reports from the Elgin Police Department may be obtained in person for a small fee of $5 or online. Our Chicago car accident attorneys can help you work out a way to get a copy of the report from the local authorities.

Some accidents do not occur within any particular city limits, or they occur on highways maintained by the state government. In such cases, your accident might fall under the jurisdiction of the Illinois State Police. Crash reports from the state police may be obtained through the mail or online by sending a formal request through email. The Illinois State Police may only provide a redacted copy of the report. If we need an unredacted copy, we must submit a subpoena for the report or an order signed by a judge to the state police.

Do I Need to Call the Police After a Car Crash in Elgin?

Some people call the police immediately after a crash. Others are more hesitant to get the police involved. Still, others are pressured by other drivers to avoid calling the police, usually because the other drivers know they might be in trouble. While calling the police is usually a good idea, it might not always be required.

According to 625 I.L.C.S. § 5/11-407(a), the driver of a car involved in a crash involving death, injury, or significant damage must notify the police by the “fastest available means of communication.” The law does not provide an exact time frame of when the police should be called or how a person should make the call. If you cannot call the police until after you get to the hospital, that is fine. However, if you can safely exit your vehicle immediately after the crash and you have a phone, you should call the police right away.

Typically, drivers must report more serious accidents to the police. Accidents involving no injuries and minor damage might not need to be reported. Even so, contacting the authorities about any accident, even minor ones, is a good idea. While there might not be much of an investigation, the police may still write a report, which you can use in an insurance claim or other legal proceedings.

If you do not call the police about your accident, you might be in trouble if the accident is required by law to be reported. If the accident is not reportable by law, you might still face some difficulties. If the police do not get involved, there can be no police report, and the report might be important in an insurance claim or lawsuit.

When Are Police Reports for Car Accidents in Elgin Completed and Available to Drivers?

Exactly how long it takes for a crash report to be ready depends on your circumstances. The authorities typically try to complete investigations and write reports as quickly as possible, but certain factors might slow them down, and we must be prepared to plan your case without the report for the time being.

More complicated or severe accidents tend to take longer to investigate, especially if the police suspect an accident is related to unlawful or criminal actions. For example, a fatal car accident where one of the drivers is suspected to have been intoxicated will likely be very thoroughly investigated, and an accident report might not be available for a while.

On the other hand, investigations of accidents that are simpler and involve minimal injuries or damage may be completed a bit faster. This is especially so in cases where it is clear from the very start how the accident happened and who is to blame.

Another important factor to consider is which department oversees the report. Some police departments deal with more accidents and investigations, and it might take them longer to finish the report for your accident. Other departments might have a lighter caseload, and they might complete reports a bit quicker. If you have been waiting for your report for a long time with no updates, our team can contact the police and inquire about the report.

For Help Getting a Copy of a Police Report, Call Our Elgin Car Accident Lawyers

Call our Elgin, IL personal injury attorneys at the Rhatigan Law Offices at (312) 578-8502 and ask our legal team for a private case review for no charge to get your case started.