
Aurora, IL Work Injury Lawyer

Workplace accidents are unfortunate, and injured employees might be unable to return to work for a long time. To help make up for your numerous losses and expenses, you can sue your employer or other parties for damages and compensation.

Figuring out liability for a work-related accident varies based on where the plaintiff works and how the accident happened. In many cases, employers are ultimately responsible for fostering unsafe work environments and should be thoroughly examined for liability. In other cases, other parties – like the manufacturer of a defective work tool, clients, or coworkers – are responsible for your injuries. Evidence also varies from case to case. We should investigate your workplace and the specific location of your accident to find evidence. Damages you should consider in your case might include medical bills, lost income, and damage to your professional reputation. After an accident at work, you should call for help and immediately inform your boss about the accident. After getting medical attention for injuries, call a lawyer.

Call the Rhatigan Law Offices at (312) 578-8502 to schedule a claims evaluation with our work injury lawyers.

Who is Liable for Work Injuries in Aurora, IL?

Liability for workplace injuries might fall on one or several parties. Some of these parties might be directly involved in your job, while others might be third parties who were not even present when the accident happened.

In many cases, employers are responsible for accidents because they failed to maintain safe work environments and conditions. Even if you are unsure who is responsible for the accident, our work injury attorneys can help you investigate your employer. Employers and supervisors have a lot of responsibility, including for job safety. If employee training is inadequate, equipment is broken, or conditions are hazardous, the employer is usually at fault.

Other parties might be liable for your injuries instead of or in addition to your employer. For example, if you were hurt at work because some tool or equipment you were using malfunctioned, you might be able to sue the manufacturer.

Another possibility is that a client, customer, or coworker caused the accident. For example, a negligent coworker operating a forklift might have collided with you, causing severe injuries. Your coworker might be liable for the accident, and your employer might be vicariously liable for providing inadequate training. Alternatively, an angry or careless customer or client might cause injuries, and they should be held responsible.

Evidence to Prove Your Work Injury Claims in Aurora, IL

Evidence is sometimes the trickiest part of a lawsuit. For some, there is plenty of evidence to support their claims. For others, evidence is difficult to obtain. An attorney can help you explore some common sources of evidence while looking into sources unique to your case.

One good place to begin is at the location of your accident: your workplace. If possible, you should take photos and record videos of the accident scene immediately after being injured. These photos and videos may preserve important details that might be cleared away by your employer shortly after you go to the hospital.

If you could not take any photos, which is understandable as you were badly hurt, we might obtain video footage from security cameras at your work. The trouble with security cameras is that video footage tends to be regularly deleted. As such, we should demand copies of security footage from your employer as quickly as possible.

Since the unsafe conditions of your workplace are at the heart of your case, it is important that we find evidence establishing just how unsafe your work environment is. One possibility is finding witnesses who can testify about the history of dangerous work conditions. We might also uncover records of OSHA violations or reports of past accidents.

Possible Damages for Aurora, IL Work Injury Cases

Your damages should accurately reflect everything you have lost and endured because of your work injuries. As such, your damages and potential compensation may be quite significant. While many damages are common in various claims, certain damages might be unique to claims involving work injuries.

Economic losses are often extensive, especially when injuries are severe. Medical bills are famously expensive, even for minor injuries. If you need extensive treatment, or your medical care is long-term and ongoing, your damages might be incredibly high. You can also claim the cost of future medical care if your injuries require additional treatment.

You should also claim any income you lost because of the accident. Injured employees often take time off from work to recover. While a few days might be covered by paid time off or sick leave, a more extended leave of absence might not be covered. The income you lose might be significant and should be accounted for in your damages.

Non-economic damages are based on experiences rather than lost money or costs. Pain and suffering are frequently cited as major non-economic damages. In work injury cases, you can also claim damage to your professional reputation. Whether the accident tarnished your reputation as a good employee or your employer deliberately damaged your reputation as a form of retaliation, we can help you factor this into your damages.

Steps You Should Take After a Work Injury IN Aurora, IL

Immediately after you are injured at work, you should call for help. Even if you do not think your injuries are severe, you should leave work and go to a hospital. Not only do you need to be checked for injuries, but you also need help establishing medical records of your injuries that we might use as evidence later.

Your next step should be to inform your employer about the accident. Accidents must be reported to employers and supervisors for safety reasons. Also, we need to make sure there is some sort of official record at your workplace of the accident so that we have more evidence for your case.

Finally, contact an attorney as soon as you can. Your employer might offer to help you out if you do not sue, or they might retaliate by firing you. Either way, you should call a lawyer and talk about legal options for compensation.

Call Our Aurora, IL Work Injury Lawyers for Assistance Now

To arrange a claims review with our work injury attorneys, call the Rhatigan Law Offices at (312) 578-8502.