
Northbrook Personal Injury Lawyer

Many people will likely be injured in an accident at some point. Determining responsibility for accidents can be difficult, especially when nobody wants to admit fault. An attorney can help prove how someone else caused the accident and get you financial compensation for your injuries.

One of the hardest parts about a personal injury case is knowing how to begin. Your best bet is to speak to an experienced lawyer about your accident and injuries as soon as possible. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Illinois typically allows plaintiffs only 2 years to file a case, so it is best to get started quickly. You also need as much time as possible to review your damages, including hospital bills, property damage, pain, suffering, and more. Beginning your case also requires evidence. We need enough evidence to show the court that you have a valid cause of action. Additional evidence may be gathered to support your claims after the case is filed.

Get a private case review for free from our Chicago personal injury attorneys at the Rhatigan Law Offices by calling our offices at (312) 578-8502.

Knowing When to Begin a Personal Injury Case in Northbrook

Beginning a personal injury case is rarely simple or easy. First, you should consult a lawyer about your situation. Were you physically injured? Have you seen a doctor? Personal injury claims must involve some bodily injury caused by the negligence of another. If you were not physically harmed, you might not have a personal injury case.

Call a lawyer if you are unsure about taking legal action or do not know if you have a valid cause of action. Your attorney can review your situation and help you determine your legal options. Additionally, your lawyer should help you determine when you must submit your claims to the court. Plaintiffs’ claims are restricted by the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations in Illinois is only 2 years, according to 735 I.L.C.S. § 5/13-202. This limitation period begins on the day of the accident.

The sooner you speak to an attorney about your case, the better. Preparing a personal injury claim takes time, possibly more time than you might initially think. With only 2 years to file your case, you and your lawyer must work under a serious time crunch. The longer you wait, the harder it might be to prepare your case effectively.

Recoverable Damages in Northbrook Personal Injury Cases

Damages vary from case to case, and no two cases are identical. As such, it is imperative that you speak to a lawyer about your injuries and losses so that your damages are accurately calculated. Damages usually revolve around economic losses and non-economic injuries, which might be difficult to calculate.

Medical Expenses

Medical bills are among the biggest sources of economic damages in many personal injury cases. Whether you experience minor or major injuries, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. First, you need medical attention for your own health and well-being. People sometimes forego seeing a doctor because they do not feel badly hurt, only to discover later they have a serious internal injury that needs emergency care. Second, we need documentation of your injuries. Medical records may help us prove the extent of your injuries and how much your treatment costs.

Lost Wages

Another major concern among injured accident victims is their income. People often have to take time away from work to recover from their injuries. If your injuries are severe or interfere with your ability to do your job, you might have to take a significant amount of time off from your job. If that happens, you might lose significant income. We can calculate how much income you have lost since the accident and add it to your claims. Additionally, we can estimate the income you might continue to lose going forward and add it to your claims.

Property Damage

Some people not only experience bodily harm but also property damage. Car accidents are common in personal injury cases, and people often lose substantial property. Your car and all your personal belongings inside might be destroyed. Replacing your property may be extremely expensive, and you should be fairly compensated for your losses.

Pain and Suffering

Non-economic damages are losses and injuries that are not related to money. Often, non-economic damages do not cost plaintiffs money but take a significant toll in other ways. You might have heard about people claiming damages for “pain and suffering,” which typically involves a variety of non-economic damages. Your physical pain, emotional or psychological distress, embarrassment, and even damage to your reputation may be considered when calculating non-economic damages.

Using Evidence to Support Your Northbrook Personal Injury Case

Your case cannot succeed without enough evidence to meet our burden of proof. We must prove your claims by a preponderance of the evidence, meaning we must establish that it is more likely than not that the defendant is liable for your damages.


Some of the most powerful and persuasive evidence comes from people who were present at the accident. Eyewitness testimony can shed light on how your accident occurred and who is responsible. For example, after a bad car accident, other drivers who saw the crash can testify about what they saw. The more witnesses we have, the stronger your case may be. In cases where there are few eyewitnesses, your testimony may be crucial, as you might be the only person who can testify about what happened during the accident.

Physical Evidence

Physical objects involved in the accident might need to be presented to the jury as evidence. This often depends on how your accident occurred and whether important physical objects are available. For example, if you were injured by a faulty power tool, we should obtain the power tool to present as evidence. We may be able to have it analyzed and show the jury exactly why the tool was faulty or defective.

Photos or Videos

Nowadays, almost everyone has a camera on their cell phone. Not only that, but security cameras are everywhere, and there is a good chance that your accident was recorded. If video footage of the accident exists, we must find it as soon as possible. Also, people often take photos after an accident, usually to send to insurance companies. If you took any photos, tell your lawyer immediately.

Talk to Our Northbrook Personal Injury Attorneys About Your Claims Today

Get a private case review for free from our personal injury attorneys at the Rhatigan Law Offices by calling our offices at (312) 578-8502.
