
Glenview Personal Injury Lawyer

Not every injury comes from some sinister criminal act, but that does not mean injured victims have no legal recourse. You can seek justice through the civil courts by talking to a lawyer and filing a personal injury case against the person who hurt you. While civil lawsuits can be challenging to navigate, the right lawyer can make a huge difference.

Your attorney can get your case off the ground by helping you track down evidence, evaluating your damages, and developing legal strategies that may help you prove your claims. Starting this process means determining how your injuries occurred. Personal injury law covers an enormous variety of accidents and injuries, and our team has handled claims involving construction accidents, dangerous property or premises, and accidents at amusement parks, among others.

Talk to our Chicago personal injury attorneys at the Rhatigan Law Offices by calling (312) 578-8502 and get a free initial review of your claims.

How to Prepare a Personal Injury Case in Glenview

Preparing your personal injury case may be far more difficult than you initially anticipated. Many people say that most of the work happens before the case even gets to a courtroom. To help you get ready, you should talk to a lawyer as soon as you can. While navigating a personal injury lawsuit might be new territory for you, it is a familiar process for our personal injury lawyers.

First, you should get to work with your attorney sooner rather than later. Plaintiffs in Georgia only have 2 years to file their claims, according to the statute of limitation under 735 I.L.C.S. § 5/13-202. This time limit begins on the same day as your accident, so the clock starts ticking away immediately. If you miss your window to file your claims, you might be unable to sue for your damages.

Every case begins with evidence. Depending on your circumstances, you might be able to start collecting evidence right after your accident. For example, people often take pictures or record videos after a car accident. This might help in an insurance claim or make for strong evidence in court. Evidence has a bad habit of being unpredictable, and finding it can be tough. If you are not sure where to begin or what might be important, ask your lawyer.

You can also help prepare your case by keeping track of your injuries and costs. Major costs like hospital bills or expensive property damage are sometimes easier to remember. People tend to lose track of smaller costs, like travel expenses to and from treatment, that may add up to a significant sum.

In addition, do not discount your emotional and physical pain. Non-economic damages might be worth more than you realize. Talk to your lawyer about things like physical pain, mental distress, and any reduction in your quality of life since the accident.

How Personal Injury Claims Might Arise in Glenview

Personal injury cases may involve all sorts of incidents, injuries, and accidents in a wide variety of settings. You might be injured at work, in your friend’s home, in a grocery store, or while commuting to work. Determining how your accident occurred is crucial to planning your case and developing effective arguments for the courtroom. Our team has experience with various personal injury cases, including, but not limited to, the following.

Construction-Related Accidents

Construction zones are inherently dangerous. Risks lurk around every corner, ranging from dangerous power tools to exposed wiring to heavy machinery. Construction workers are often injured in accidents, even if they do everything they can to avoid mistakes and mishaps. You could be hurt by a defective table saw or shocked by some live wires that somebody failed to shut off. Other injured victims are not construction workers but people who might have wandered into a construction zone by accident. If proper barriers and warning signs are not erected, a construction site might become a serious risk to the public. Contact an attorney if you were injured in a construction-related accident.

Dangerous Conditions on Property

Not every personal injury case stems from a person causing another person harm. Many plaintiffs are injured not because of a person but because of dangerous conditions on a person’s property. A classic example of this kind of case is a slip and fall accident. You might slip on a freshly mopped floor in the grocery store and be badly hurt. If no warning signs were placed, the store may be held liable.

Other types of hazardous conditions might injure you. Broken windows, unstable stairs, falling ceiling tiles, and malfunctioning elevators are just a few examples of how property owners may be held liable for allowing their property to become unsafe.

Train Accidents

Glenview is located very close to Chicago, and it is easy to get to the downtown area of Chicago from Glenview by train. While lots of people commute by train every day, accidents sometimes occur. This might range from something as severe as a train derailment to something less newsworthy, like a slip and fall on a train platform. The company or agency responsible for trains and train platforms may be liable in both circumstances.

You may also sue for personal injuries sustained onboard a train. For example, maybe the exit door slid shut right on your foot and broke it, leading to expensive medical bills and missed work. Maybe the train conductor hit the brakes far too suddenly and caused you and other passengers to be violently thrown forward, injuring all of you. These kinds of accidents cannot be allowed to pass unnoticed, and you and possibly other injured victims deserve fair compensation.

Speak to Our Glenview Personal Injury Attorneys as Soon as Possible

Talk to our personal injury attorneys at the Rhatigan Law Offices by calling (312) 578-8502 and get a free initial review of your claims.
